History Of Pastel Delicacies - French Macaroons

Colourful, delicate and utterly delicious are the desserts from the land of the Eiffel Tower - French Macarons. These meringue-based delicacies are said to have been brought to France in the year 1533 by Catherine de Medici - wife of King Henri II.

Times Gone By

These macarons shot to fame when two nuns seeking refuge in the town of Nancy during French Revolution, started making and selling macarons to support themselves. Their macarons became so famous that they came to be known as the Macaron Sisters. Even today the town of Nancy is famous for Macarons and has a museum dedicated to the Macaron Sisters.

It is said that the first written recipe for Macarons appeared in a magazine - A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen, written by John Murell in 1617. You can read the recipe here:

“To make French Macarons

Wash a pound of the newest and the best Jordane Almonds in three or foure waters, to take away the rednesse from their out-side, lay them in a Bason of warme water all night, the next day blanch them, and dry them with a faire cloath, beat them in a stone morter, until they be reasonably fine, put to them halfe a pound of fine beaten Sugar, and so beat it to a perfect Paste, then put in halfe a dozen spoonefuls of good Damaske Rose-water, three graines of Ambergreece, when you have beaten all this together, dry it on a chafingdish of coales until it grow white and stiffe, then take it off the fire, and put the whites of two new laid Egs first beaten into froath, and so stirre it well together, then lay them on wafers in fashion of little long rowles, and so bake them in an Oven as hot as for Manchet, but you must first let the heat of the Oven passe over before you put them in, when they rise white and light, take them out of the Oven, and put them in a warm platter, and set them againe into the warme Oven & so let them remain foure or five houres, and then they wil be thoroughly dry, but if you like them better being moist, then dry them not after the first baking.”

Following this recipe, several recipes started emerging for Macarons.

If the story of French Macarons is appealing to you, try them from the house of Aubree. Order online or visit our store.

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